A Place to Create! (And eat chocolate!)

Hello anyone who passes by!

This is my fantabulous ball of creative energy! I love working with my hands, so please enjoy any tutorials or other super cool information you find here!

Best wishes!


Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to Build an Army of Cookie Love!

Hi today!
Okay, so my project today is a quickie tutorial all about non-edible polymer clay Chocolate Chip cookies! These are extremely simple to create, and whipping up a huge batch won't take much time at all! Excuse the dark pictures...my workspace is in my basement with a terrible over-head light. :( Anyway, on to more optimistic things!

                                                                   Getting Started!

 1. These are the tools you'll need plus one or two of your favorite fingers. Starting from the left:
1) Any type of pointed object. I use a needle, but if you have a tooth-pick or something of that nature it should be fine.
2) Parchment paper so that your clay doesn't stick!
3) Clay (of course!) I chose a Tan Sculpey color. Look for anything that looks like a cookie dough-ish color. I also have a tiny bit of Black to mix with a Chocolate Brown. The Black is optional, but I like my chips a bit darker.
4) Decide what you want your cookie to be. For example a hair clip (made here), ring, earrings, or an actual charm that requires a metal loop for attaching. 

2. Take a portion of the Tan clay and roll it into a ball. Not too hard, right? :)
 3. Flatten your ball with your fingers, but try to keep a convex shape. If you have to, take your fingers and gently tap the edges. Be careful not to make it too thin! Just visualize the thickness of a real cookie.
 4. Now take your needle or whatever you chose and cross-hatch along the top of the clay. It doesn't have to be perfect! Notice how I didn't draw my lines all the way until the absolute end of the cookie? Also, make sure not to dig too deep into the clay.
 5. Now that you've cross-hatched your base, start dragging your tool across the clay. Try to add in texture. Poke and scrape the clay until you're satisfied, or until your clay looks similar to this. *Remember to pay attention to how deep you're poking your tool into the clay. You don't want to puncture the base or your cookie will become brittle after baking. :(
 6. Now take your Chocolate clay and mix it with the Black clay if you decided to follow my version of chocolate chips. Make sure it's evenly mixed!
7. Break tiny pieces off of the Chocolate clay. They don't have to be perfect. 
 8. Take your needle and gently pick up the chocolate chip pieces. Place them around your cookie, but take care to not press them down all the way. You may want to reposition a chip. When you've got them how you like them, scroll down!
 9) Once again, I take my needle and I gently poke down my chips into the Tan clay. I work them into the clay and I work them around the clay. Sometimes I'll take a tiny bit of the Tan clay and cover a tiny bit of the chocolate clay. I do this so that the chips aren't sitting perfect on top of the Tan clay. Just play with it and you'll know when it's ready!
10. When I'm done with the last step, I take my finger and gently pat and smooth the top and sides of the cookie. Try not to over work it. Flattening out the cookie gives it a fresh baked look. Go ahead and google Chips Ahoy cookies and you'll understand what I mean.
*Optional: You can take a darker or golden brown pastel for light dusting over the clay to give it a golden brown look. That's completely up to you!
11. Now look at that! You've got yerself a cookie! Now you can either bake it and attach it to a hair clip, or you can add an eye loop to make it a charm for hanging on a necklace or what-have-you! Bake it, gloss it and BOOM! All done!

All that aside, enjoy your super awesome cookie! Super tiny, super kawaii! See how easy they are to make? Now imagine an army of cookie love being built right in your home. :)

Happy Crafting!
-Ari Kat

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